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3 Ways to Improve HVAC Efficiency

February 17, 2016

Improving HVAC efficiency will improve indoor comfort and energy savings. Not only will it become easier to maintain the desired temperature in your home, but you will help to prolong the life of your system. Use these HVAC efficiency tips to make your home in Atlantic Beach, Florida, as comfortable and efficient as possible.

Seal Your Home

Tight seals around windows, doors, attic hatches, and other exterior openings can make your home far more energy efficient. Weather-stripping tape can close gaps in these areas so they fit more snugly against the surrounding architecture.

You might also consider weatherizing outlet covers, recessed lights, and even baseboards to prevent heat loss and gain. While these areas might seem small, the continuous loss of conditioned air can impact your energy bills and increase your carbon footprint.

Window Treatments

Windows constitute one of the most common causes of heat loss and gain — and not only because of gaps or damage that allow air leaks. In the winter, use heavy curtains to form a barrier against cold air. Open them during the day so the sun can help to provide warmth indoors.

Thermal drapes can help keep warm air inside after the sun goes down. You can also apply thermal film to the glass to help prevent heat loss in the winter. By preventing the cold air from entering, your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard, and you will avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

Find Energy Hogs

Consider using a home energy monitor to find out which appliances use the most energy. You might discover that your outdated furnace, water heater, refrigerator, or heat pump is sabotaging your attempts to conserve energy. Some monitors offer do-it-yourself instructions, while others need an experienced HVAC technician or electrician.

An energy-efficient home benefits both the environment and your bank account. Following the above tips can help you to save energy as well as cash. Regular HVAC maintenance is also critical to system efficiency, so give Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating a call today at (904) 574-5619.

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