Heat Pump Can Cool
How a Heat Pump Can Cool Your Jacksonville Home

June 16, 2017

Heat pumps are innovative home comfort systems that provide both heating and cooling. Only recently did heat pumps become powerful enough to tackle the heat in Jacksonville, Florida, homes. Now, this technology is available to help you efficiently manage your home temperature in any season.

How Heat Pumps Work

Heat pumps don’t generate heat. Instead, they simply move it. Heat energy is always present in the air, even when it feels cold. Heat pumps access that heat energy and move it to another place. In summer, a heat pump will pull heat energy from inside your home and push it out.

Inside your heat pump you’ll find a compressor, reversing valve, refrigerator coils, and two fans. The reversing valve is the key element that allows a heat pump to cool as well as heat. When the flow of refrigerant is reversed, it gathers heat from inside the home and pumps it outside. The refrigerant cools down again on the way back so it can gather more heat in the next cycle.

Benefits of a Heat Pump

Heat pumps are more efficient than other cooling methods because they don’t generate hotter or colder temperatures. They simply move the heat energy that’s already present. A heat pump offers both heating and cooling so you don’t need separate systems to tackle changes in the weather. The reversing valve allows you to do it all with one installation.

Heat pumps are also available without any ductwork. If you have a home addition, such as a sunroom, that needs additional cooling but lacks its own ducting, a heat pump is up to the job. Heat pumps also work for historic homes where adding ductwork would be complex and costly.

Are you interested in adding an energy efficient heat pump to your Floridian home? Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating can help you find the perfect fit for your needs. Give us a call at (904) 574-5619 to learn more about how a heat pump can work for you.

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