Good Indoor Air Quality
Can HVAC Maintenance Help My Indoor Air Quality?

November 23, 2019

Homeowners in St. Augustine, Florida, rely on their HVAC systems to stay cool in the heat of summer and warm during the rare times it gets cold in winter. But did you know that upkeep of your HVAC system is also directly related to the air quality in your home? Learn how HVAC maintenance can improve your indoor air quality and keep you healthy and comfortable.

HVAC Maintenance and IAQ

HVAC maintenance and indoor air quality are directly linked. Your HVAC system does far more than heat and cool your house. Another part of its job is to keep the air fresh and clean. If you don’t maintain your HVAC system, the opposite can happen. Dirt and other contaminants can actually get into your home’s air supply. As a result, they can impact HVAC efficiency and indoor air quality.

Changing Your Air Filter

You should change your air filter once every three months. A general rule of thumb is to tackle the job at the changing of the seasons. This makes it easy to remember to complete this task. The purpose of the air filter is to collect dust, dirt, and debris from the air and keep it from getting into your house. If you don’t keep the air filter clean, it gets full and clogged. As a result, allergens and particulates can remain in your air.

Cleaning Your Ductwork

Even with a fresh air filter, debris and contaminants can sometimes get caught in your ducts and pass into your house. Having a professional clean your ducts on a regular basis can help to maintain the clean air in your house. As a result, you’ll breathe easier and sleep better.

Improving System Efficiency

Regular maintenance from a qualified professional can keep your system running at peak efficiency. This means it’ll be better able to clean your air and make it healthier and more comfortable for you to breathe. You’ll also prevent high energy and repair costs.

If you need to schedule a maintenance appointment for your system, Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating can help. Give us a call today at (904) 574-5619 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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