AC Is on the Verge of a Breakdown
4 Signs Your AC Is on the Verge of a Breakdown

October 19, 2017

After a long and hot summer in Atlantic Beach, Florida, fall is the ideal time to assess your air conditioner. After all, the coolest months of the year are the best time to replace your cooling system, since this is when you rely on it the least. So how can you tell whether it’s time to replace your cooling system? From old age to high humidity, look for these four signs that your AC is on the verge of a breakdown.

It’s Over a Decade Old

While some ACs last for more than a decade, many start to show signs of trouble once they approach the 10-year mark. If yours is over a decade old, it’s in your best interest to consider a new system. Since you won’t need your air conditioner in the late fall or winter, it’s the perfect time to upgrade.

It Needs Substantial Repairs

If your AC needs substantial repairs, it may be easier on your wallet to replace your system instead. Don’t hesitate to talk about your options with the HVAC experts at Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating. Our team can help you understand the costs and make the right decision for your family.

It Isn’t Efficient Enough

Cooling technology has come a long way over the past decade. New air conditioners are much more efficient than older models. For instance, the Infinity 21 Central Air Conditioner boasts Energy Star certification. It also has a two-stage compressor and a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) rating of up to 21.

It Doesn’t Moderate Humidity

Florida summers are hot and muggy, and you need an air conditioner that can moderate the excess moisture in the air. If your system can’t handle the humidity, consider upgrading to a model that’s designed to manage humidity for superior comfort and efficiency.

Ready to invest in an efficient new air conditioner that will help you save money? Call the cooling experts at Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating today at (904) 574-5619 for more information.

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