Cleaning Ducts
4 Signs Your Ducts Need Cleaning in Atlantic Beach, FL

May 14, 2021

Ducts distribute conditioned air throughout your home to keep you cool and comfortable. Over time, they can get dirty and decrease the efficiency of your HVAC system. Here are four signs you need to clean your ducts in Atlantic Beach, FL:

Increased Dust in Your Home

If you find that your house keeps getting dusty even after cleaning, your ducts need cleaning. When your ducts are dirty or have debris buildup, the dirt may keep getting into your home. Scheduling professional duct cleaning will help to reduce dust in your home.

Presence of Biological Contaminants

If you spot the presence of biological pollutants in the areas around your ductwork, then it requires cleaning. These pollutants lower the quality of your indoor air and can trigger allergies and asthma attacks. Professional duct cleaning will help to remove any pollutants and improve your health and comfort.

Pest Infestation

When the temperatures are high, pests and rodents like mice, bugs and rats like to hide in ductwork where the air is cool. Pests in your ducts can restrict proper airflow in your home, leading to poor efficiency by your HVAC system. They can also chew on the duct, causing holes that leak conditioned air.

When pests die and decompose, they release a bad odor that can affect your home comfort. Having your ducts professionally cleaned will help to eradicate any presence of pests in your ducts. This will improve the efficiency of your system and the quality of your indoor air.

High Energy Bills

If you notice a sudden spike in your energy bills, it could be a result of dirty ductwork. When your ducts are dirty, they lower the efficiency of your system, making it overwork to cool your home. Cleaning your ducts will help lower energy consumption and your monthly energy bills.

Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating provides quality AC services. We offer 24/7 emergency service and focus on customer satisfaction. Contact us today for all your HVAC maintenance and installation needs.

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