Dehumidifier Help You Save Energy
Can a Whole-Home Dehumidifier Help You Save Energy?

November 4, 2017

As a homeowner in Atlantic Beach, Florida, you’re no stranger to high humidity. Managing airborne moisture levels in your home isn’t always easy, especially if you want to keep household energy consumption in check. Find out how a whole-home dehumidifier can control humidity while saving energy and money at the same time.

Consolidate Dehumidification Power in One Unit

If your home’s humidity level is high, you’ve likely already tried everything to reduce moisture levels. From the initial purchase price to the monthly electric bills, stationing multiple portable dehumidifiers throughout your home can get expensive quickly.

However, with a Performance Whole-Home Dehumidifier DEHXX, your home will receive all the dehumidification power it needs. This system will save energy and money while moderating humidity in every room of your home.

Boost HVAC System Efficiency

Your HVAC system is designed to keep humidity in check. But excessive airborne moisture levels can mean your air conditioner has to work much harder than usual.

When the Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating team installs a whole-home dehumidifier, we ensure that it works seamlessly with your HVAC system. This reduces the system’s workload and helps it run much more efficiently, no matter the season.

Reduce Your Need for Air Conditioning

Hot, humid weather might prompt you to turn down the thermostat’s temperature to stay comfortable indoors. But did you know that removing humidity from the air can make you feel just as cool as decreasing the temperature does?

With a whole-home dehumidifier in place, this HVAC add-on lowers your household’s humidity level while improving your family’s comfort level. That means you can increase the temperature in your home a few degrees to save energy while still staying comfortable.

Ready to save energy and money while improving your home’s indoor air quality at the same time? Call the HVAC experts at Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating at (904) 574-5619.

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