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3 Surprising Triggers of Seasonal Allergies

April 12, 2016

Sneezing and itchy, watery eyes are an unfortunate part of spring and summer for some Neptune Beach, FL, residents. Although you can’t change the way the outdoor air affects you, you can help to reduce seasonal allergies in your home.

Dirty Air Filters

Your air filters are responsible for trapping airborne pollutants that could trigger allergic reactions in your home. Once your air filters get dirty or clogged, they can start to blow that debris into your home. Also, your indoor air becomes more contaminated as it passes through the dirty filter. What you may not realize is that when spring arrives and you start to use your air conditioner more, your filters are more likely to get dirty. Dirty filters affect your air quality and encourage allergies or trigger allergy-like symptoms.

Air Ducts

Unless you have a ductless system, the air ducts in your central air conditioning system may be contributing to seasonal allergies. The air that passes through your home goes straight through your air ducts, and if they are dusty or dirty, then that air can result in poor indoor air quality. Make sure to have your HVAC technician inspect your ducts to determine if duct cleaning is necessary. It might be even more important if you live in an area that is particularly dusty and if someone in your home is especially sensitive, or suffers from chronic respiratory problems. During the winter, bugs and rodents are more likely to find their way into your ducts to keep warm. Along with dust and dirt, these pests and can trigger allergies, asthma, and cause other health-related problems.


If your home is not properly ventilated, dust, dirt, pollen, animal dander, mold, and debris are more likely to circulate throughout your home. Make sure rooms that tend to get damp, like your bathroom, are adequately ventilated, and use your kitchen fan when cooking to prevent mold growth — which can also lead to allergy flare-ups.

If you are worried about triggers in your home, Ocean State Air Conditioning can help. Call us today at (904) 574-5619 to schedule an appointment to have your air ducts cleaned or to schedule preventative maintenance for your HVAC system.

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