Happy Family
Zoning Systems Are Hotter Than Ever in Jacksonville

March 5, 2015

Ocean State Air Conditioning and HeatingDo you want to save money while keeping your home comfortable? If you’re like most homeowners, that’s an obvious “yes.” Adding a zoning system to your home will give you the control to keep your home comfortable for everyone, while cutting back on energy use and lowering utility bills.

What’s a Zoning System?

In most homes, there’s one thermostat controlling both the heating and cooling systems. When the A/C, furnace or heat pump kicks on, it’s working to heat or cool the entire house. With zoning systems, that’s no longer the case. Instead of heating or cooling the whole house, the HVAC system is only sending conditioned air to certain parts of your home.

Most homes have distinct areas. One area may be for sleeping while another is for living, cooking and dining. What would happen if you had a thermostat in each, controlling the temperature for that specific area? You wouldn’t have to heat or cool the bedrooms when no one’s in them! The same goes for your living room, kitchen and dining areas. It would save you a ton of money without making your home uncomfortable.

How Zoning Works

Zoning systems separate your home into individual zones for heating and cooling purposes. Each zone has its own programmable thermostat that sends signals to a central control panel coordinating dampers inside the ducts that flow to each zone.

If a zone thermostat detects the area is longer at the desired temperature, it signals the central control panel to send heated or cool air. The central control panel starts the HVAC system and opens up the dampers that allow air into that specific zone.

When the thermostat detects the desired temperature has been reached, it signals the control panel to stop heating or cooling that zone. The control panel shuts off the heating or cooling systems and closes the dampers.

Would adding a zoning system to your home be a good call? Check out Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating’s zoning system options or contact us today at (904) 574-5619 for help with your specific home comfort needs!

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