4 Benefits of Hiring a Locally-Owned & Family-Operated HVAC Company

4 Benefits of Hiring a Locally-Owned & Family-Operated HVAC Company

There’s a reason why Ocean State is the company your neighbors recommend–it’s because we’re our customers’ neighbors too. There are so many benefits to working with a locally-owned and family-operated heating and cooling company and while some of them are a bit more obvious, a few of them may surprise you.


Accountability from Local Ownership

There are numerous HVAC companies operating on the First Coast that have offices all over the state or even corporate headquarters outside of the state. One of the potentially negative byproducts of this is that it can frequently be a headache to get in touch with the actual team coming to your home for a service call, much less the owners of the company. At Ocean State, we take great pride in being personally accountable for the quality of the service we provide which is why you talk to real people from your own community when you call, coordinate everything directly with our team, and can always speak with our owner Glenn Jones if you encounter any challenges. We strive to be the best HVAC company on the First Coast and that starts with being both available and accountable to the residents of the communities we serve.


Knowing & Understanding Your Neighborhood

Jacksonville is the largest city by landmass in the contiguous United States which means every neighborhood and system is going to be a little different. Ocean State has been serving this community since 1975 so from your everyday heating and air conditioning needs to the importance of your indoor air quality there’s no quirk, snafu, or problem we haven’t encountered since we opened. We’re intimately familiar with the unique challenges residents experience in each part of Northeast Florida because unlike outside companies, we’ve been studying and solving them for nearly 50 years.


24/7 Emergency Service with a Personal Touch

We know firsthand just how extreme the temperatures can be in our area and what a nightmare it can be to not have your home heated or cooled even for just one day. We not only offer 24/7 emergency service but it’s performed by the same friendly faces who come by your house to maintain, service, repair, or install your systems. We never outsource our work like many other companies because we’re steadfast in hiring only the very best NATE-certified technicians. It’s this commitment to quick, quality, and personal service that has earned us the trust of this community because from the moment you call all the way through your service visit, you’ll know you’re talking to and working with the same team.


A Part of Your Community

As a locally-owned and family-operated HVAC company, we have the ability to champion projects and causes within the community that our customers care about. We’ve sponsored numerous youth sports teams and community projects that both our Ocean State family and customers hold dear. It’s an honor to give back to this community that’s helped us thrive since 1975 and that’s something you won’t often find from companies that aren’t local.

When you call Ocean State for your heating, cooling, and indoor air quality needs, you know you’re talking to a local company; a family who has earned the trust of your neighbors through personal, reliable, and honest service. We could tell you why you should choose us until we’re blue in the face but we prefer to let our customers do the talking for us because we’ve staked our reputation on their testimonials (just take a look at our perfect 5-star rating on Google). We’ve been serving this community as a part of this community since 1975 and this is where we plan to stay!


Top 4 Reasons to Schedule a Spring System Tune-Up

Top 4 Reasons to Schedule a Spring System Tune-Up

Spring is often filled with overcast skies and rainy afternoons. But homeowners in Florida know that the spring is also well-known for being unpredictable, with temperatures reaching what feels like summer before cooling off after a few days. Scheduling a spring system tune-up saves you from getting caught off guard by surprising heat waves, and helps you stay cool no matter what it feels like outside. Here are four reasons why making a decision early and scheduling a spring system tune-up is the best decision you can make as a homeowner.


Extend the Life of Your AC System

Let’s say you haven’t scheduled a spring tune-up, and temperatures hit record highs before the summer is even here. You’ll be running your system at a higher intensity for longer periods of time just to get your home down to a comfortable temperature. That puts a lot of wear and tear on your air conditioning system. Cooling down a home works your system a lot harder than simply maintaining your desired temperature.

But with a spring system tune-up, you can keep everything working smoothly. The wear and tear will be at a much slower pace. And your system will be performing within its capabilities to reach peak levels of performance, not overworking to compensate for a surprisingly hot weekend.


Keep Your Home & Family Safe

If you’re on vacation or away from your home, there is nothing stopping a malfunctioning system to work improperly and overheat in a sudden heatwave, or shut down completely and cause the pipes to freeze over in a cold snap. The resulting effect could even be as serious as water damage, harm to the foundation, or worse – and repairs for these sorts of problems are often very expensive!

When you and your family are in the home, a spring tune-up could prevent harmful carbon monoxide from leaking into unsuspecting bedrooms while you sleep. A system tune-up helps you protect your family against dangerous gas and chemicals that are emitted from units in need of repair.


Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

The easiest way to improve your indoor air quality is by scheduling an annual spring tune-up. Ventilation is one of the most common ways that outdoor air, which is naturally less polluted and cleaner, is brought indoors. But a unit that isn’t regularly maintained by an HVAC professional won’t be performing up to its intended standards, reducing the amount of clean air that is circulated throughout your home.

A system that is operating up to its intended standard will be circulating the air inside and exchanging indoor air for outdoor air. If your unit isn’t doing one (or both) of these things, your home’s air could be more polluted than you realize.


Protect Your Warranty

HVAC warranties come in two categories—equipment and labor. You get an equipment warranty provided by the manufacturer and a labor warranty provided by the contractor. An equipment warranty is provided by the manufacturer and covers repairs or replacements due to broken parts within a unit. Labor warranties are offered by installation companies and contractors. If there is a mistake during the installation, and it affects the performance of your unit, you could be compensated in the event of an expensive replacement or repair.

Did you know that many manufacturers require proof of annual tune-ups for their warranty? Your unit could be protected under warranty only if it undergoes regular maintenance from a licensed technician. And scheduling a scheduled spring system tune-up could save you costly repairs or the hassle of having to replace a unit that is malfunctioning.


7 Tips to Save Money On Your Heating Bill

7 Tips to Save Money On Your Heating Bill

The Winter months bring more reasons to spend time with family and friends inside—from the much lower temperatures outside. You’ll rarely see snow in Florida, much less a blizzard or an ice storm. But it’s still chilly enough to make for an expensive heating bill if you’re not careful. Here are seven tips to keep the temperatures up in your home while keeping the costs down with your heating bills as the temperature continues to dip beneath our state’s relative warmth.


Be Flexible with Your Thermostat

When it gets cold outside, try to make a habit of setting your thermostat at different temperatures during the day. When the sun is up, keep your thermostat just below 70 degrees. During your nighttime routine, turn the thermostat up 7 to 10 degrees just before you go to bed. Borrowing some of the sun’s natural heat during the day and using your heater at night can lower your utility bill by as much as 10%, according to the Department of Energy.


Schedule HVAC Inspections Regularly

Getting out ahead of HVAC problems will almost always be less expensive than waiting until they need to be completely replaced. And it also ensures your home is never without a working heating system. Ask your local HVAC professional to inspect your air ducts, furnace filters, and heat pump as those are the most common places that problems build up without you noticing. Spending a little money on maintenance throughout the year will extend the life of your heating system and prevent you from having to make a costly purchase or replacing your HVAC system, helping you potentially save a lot of money.


Keep Your Heat Pump Clean

If you use a heat pump, cleaning or changing the filters at least once a month can help you use less energy when heating water, reducing your utility bill every month. Clear out any brush or plant life around your outdoor unit as well, as this can block airflow and hinder your system’s performance.


Don’t Forget About the Water Heater

Your HVAC doesn’t just heat the air in your home—showers, dishwashers, and more need hot water to run effectively. And when it’s cold outside, your water heater could be working overtime, resulting in a higher-than-expected heating bill. During the winter months, turn down your tank’s thermostat to 120 degrees from the typical manufacturer’s setting of 140 degrees. This could save you an average of $460 per year, according to the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.


Reduce Hot Water Usage

Speaking of water heaters, you have many opportunities throughout the day to reduce the amount of hot water you’re using. Try taking showers instead of hot baths. Wash your clothes with cold or warm water unless hot water is absolutely necessary. Most washing machines have a “warm” setting that cleans effectively at 86 degrees Fahrenheit.


Insulate Your Water Pipes

If your water pipes aren’t insulated, they’re allowing cold air into hot water channels, forcing you to use more water and energy to heat your home. You can insulate these lines yourself with foam pipe wrap or include this service in your scheduled HVAC maintenance plan.


Install Weather Stripping

Consider installing weather stripping to get you through the winter months. Put simply, this helps warm air stay in and cold air stay out, keeping your home as warm as possible without having to put extra strain on your HVAC system. Vinyl is a common material when insulating your windows, and it’s inexpensive, while magnetic strips are a more expensive (and more effective) solution. Speak to one of our HVAC professionals to discover what solution is best for you.


8 Inexpensive Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality At Home

8 Inexpensive Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality At Home

Indoor air quality isn’t just a concern for people with allergies. Observing better air quality improves the physical health of everyone in your home. The average American spends 62 percent of their waking hours at home, and with millions leaving the office to work from home remotely, that number will only increase in the coming years. Improving your indoor air quality has never been more important as it has a significant effect on your physical wellbeing in the place you likely spend the most amount of time. With a few preventative measures, you can improve your indoor air quality and start breathing a little easier. Here are eight inexpensive, do-it-yourself project ideas you can start today that will give your indoor air quality a boost and improve your health.


Keep rugs and carpets clean

If someone in your home is suffering from frequent headaches or respiratory issues, you might be at risk for poor indoor air quality. Rugs and carpets hold pollutants and allergens picked up by pets, shoes, and more. It’s preferable to use dry cleaning methods on your floors, such as vacuuming and sweeping, as often as possible because wet cleaning methods typically contain harmful chemicals themselves. At that point, you’re just trading one harm for another and not improving the overall indoor air quality.



Change your filters

One of the most effective ways to keep indoor air quality high is to use a portable air filter or upgrade your air conditioning (HVAC) system. But these machines can’t reduce air pollution if the filters aren’t replaced frequently. Before you turn on your air-cleaning device, inspect the filter and clean or replace them if they appear dirty. You should see an immediate impact on your indoor air quality.


Aerus Air Scrubber

Install an air scrubber

An air scrubber, or air purifier, can be added to your heating and cooling system. It works by trapping air pollutants like pet dander or pollen and destroys them with an electric charge. If you’ve cleaned your carpets and changed your filters, installing an air scrubber could improve your indoor air quality.


Set your HVAC maintenance on autopilot with an annual checkup

With air conditioners working overtime to cool your home during Florida’s long, hot summer months, your indoor air quality depends on keeping them maintained and running smoothly. Replacing heating and air conditioning systems can be expensive but scheduling regular tune-ups can extend the working life of an HVAC and keep you from having to purchase an entirely new system. Spending a little money on maintenance upfront will make for major savings over the long term and improve your indoor air quality at the same time.


Buy indoor plants to freshen the air

Plants are a low-cost, natural solution to improving your indoor air quality because of their ability to clean the air of carbon dioxide. In fact, many house plants can remove toxins and air pollutants, such as formaldehyde and benzene, that are commonly found in most homes.


Clean your air ducts every 3-5 years

Air ducts control the flow of air in your home, which means they can also inadvertently guide harmful toxins. But as air ducts take air from one area of your home to another, it’s important to remember that dirt and dust can remain trapped and build up over time. Getting your air ducts cleaned can rid your house of these unseen toxins, and extend their life several years over.


Control the humidity in your home

Mold and mildew thrive in humid conditions and greatly reduce your home’s indoor air quality. On the other hand, dry conditions contribute to dust build-up and an increase in airborne allergens. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor humidity should be kept at below 60 percent with an ideal setting at 30-50%.


Use cooking vents

Air pollutants require a moist environment. You can remedy this by using kitchen exhaust ventilation systems in your home, such as cooking vents, and improve your indoor air quality with the simple flip of a switch.


Through a combination of do-it-yourself effort and professional maintenance, you can improve indoor air quality and the physical health of everyone in your home. Contact us today to become an Ocean State annual maintenance member!


5 Ways to Maximize the Life of Your Residential Furnace

5 Ways to Maximize the Life of Your Residential Furnace

The heat of summer is finally past and cooler weather is on the way. As a homeowner in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, you want to know how to keep your furnace in good shape for years to come. Here are five things you can do to extend the life of your residential furnace and save money on heating costs along the way:

Avoid Running Your Heater Full Blast

Running your furnace night and day is a sure way to reduce its lifespan. So, if you can bring down your thermostat setting by just a couple of degrees, that alone can reduce the strain on your system and help you get many more good years out of this appliance.

Running ceiling fans clockwise — the opposite of their direction in summer — and on low speed can help you to feel warmer in winter. This lets the fan pull cool air up and push warm air down to eliminate cold spots. You may be able to lower the thermostat setting a bit and save some money on energy costs, too.

Change Air Filters When Needed

Every HVAC system works more efficiently when you clean or replace air filters regularly. Most manufacturers recommend replacing air filters every three months, but you may need to replace yours more frequently if you have a lot of dust and pet dander clogging them. Clean air filters allow air to flow freely through your heating system, putting less strain on it and helping it to last longer.

One way to help your HVAC filters last longer is to keep the levels of dust, pet dander and microbes down by maintaining consistent house-cleaning habits. The more particles you remove through regularly cleaning your pet’s bedding, dusting and vacuuming, the fewer particles there will be to clog your air filters.

Seal and Insulate Your Home Against the Cold

Holes, cracks and gaps around your home create air leaks that can cause your furnace to work overtime to maintain cozy indoor temperatures. Seal gaps around doors and windows with weather-stripping. Consider replacing inefficient windows with double-paned glass to keep the heat inside. And have your attic and insulation checked for air leaks.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

Old analog thermostats are often less accurate than their modern digital counterparts, and this inefficiency can also overwork your furnace. You can set up today’s programmable smart thermostats to adjust your home’s temperature based on the number of hours that you occupy the house, thereby maximizing efficiency.

If you leave to go on vacation over the holidays, you won’t have to worry about whether you forgot to shut off the heating system. If you did, you can access your smart thermostat remotely from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

Have Your Furnace and Ductwork Checked

Like all the other systems and appliances in your house, your furnace can benefit from regular inspection and maintenance. An annual furnace inspection can often detect minor problems before they escalate.

You’ll also want to get your ductwork cleaned as needed to improve efficiency and keep dust and debris buildup from clogging your filters. Repair cracks and gaps found in the ductwork right away. The sooner you conduct needed repairs to your heating system, the better your furnace will function, and the less wear and tear it’ll sustain.

If you haven’t had your furnace inspected in a long time, contact cean State Air Conditioning & Heating for preventive maintenance. We’ll check your system and give it a tuneup from top to bottom to keep it running smoothly so that you can stay warm this winter.

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Another Heat Pump Repair in Jacksonville, FL? Should You Replace It?

Another Heat Pump Repair in Jacksonville, FL? Should You Replace It?

Heat pumps reach the end of their lifespan between 10 and 20 years of age. If you notice your system needs repairing more often or your energy bills suddenly spike, there might be an issue. Here are several reasons to replace your heat pump in Jacksonville, FL.

Compare to the Cost of Replacement

If your system is less than 10 years old, there’s one question you should ask yourself: How much will the repair cost? As a general rule, if the cost of the repair is more than half of what it would cost to fully replace the system, a replacement is in order. If your system’s on the older side, the repair shouldn’t be more than a third of the replacement cost.

When Were the Last Two Repairs?

If you had two repairs within the past year, you’re probably better off replacing the heat pump. Heating and cooling systems break down frequently at the end of their lifespans.

It’s uncommon for a new system to break down frequently unless it isn’t receiving regular professional maintenance. Heat pumps need maintenance twice a year — once in the spring and again in the fall.

Is Your Monthly Energy Bill Higher?

One indicator of a failing heat pump is if your energy bill is suddenly higher than normal. However, you also need to take into account a variety of other factors. Higher energy bills might be caused by something less severe.

If you see your energy bills creeping up, consult a professional first. Some repairs are inexpensive and can fix the issue whereas long-term increases are a more likely indicator that it’s time to get a new heat pump.

Knowing whether to repair or replace your heat pump is a matter of checking how many repairs you’ve had in the past year and taking the cost of the repair and the age of your system into consideration. Contact Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating to discuss a heat pump replacement.

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7 Frequently Asked Questions About HVAC in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

7 Frequently Asked Questions About HVAC in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

As a homeowner, you always want to know your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system works effectively and efficiently. As you try to maintain your HVAC system in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, you’re likely to have some questions. Here are seven frequently asked questions about HVAC and their answers:

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filters?

You need to check your air filters frequently for any clogging. Air filters remove specks of dust, debris and allergens to keep the air entering the system clean.

To make the system run properly, you may need to change the air filter as frequently as every 30 days. Check the manufacturer’s recommendation.

What Size of HVAC System Do You Need?

The size of HVAC system your home needs will depend on various factors. A system that’s too large will end up consuming unnecessary energy or make your home too humid, whereas a system that’s too small will strain to heat and cool your space and will also run up your energy bills. When service technicians size an HVAC system, they consider the following factors:

  • Size of your home.
  • Type of house.
  • Number of rooms the system will serve.
  • What ventilation is available.
  • What type of walls and insulation you have.

How Do You Know Whether to Repair or Replace Your HVAC System?

Replacing your HVAC system is costly, which is why you may be hesitating to do it. However, you’ll know it’s time to replace your HVAC system when the utility bills get too high. Additionally, if your HVAC system has served you for longer than the expected lifespan, it would be better to replace it rather than incur high repair costs.

How Often Should You Service Your HVAC System?

An HVAC system is a complex machine, and to keep it working effectively and efficiently, you need to schedule regular maintenance. In fall, you prepare your system for winter, and in spring, you prepare it for summer.

Should You Cover the Outdoor Unit in Winter?

The outdoor unit can survive the harsh weather conditions, so there’s no need to cover it during the winter. Covering the outdoor unit in winter will attract rodents that might damage the system by biting the wires. However, you’ll need to clean the outdoor unit after the winter to clear the accumulated dust and debris.

How Do You Lower HVAC Energy Consumption?

The HVAC system consumes the most energy of all the equipment in your household, so you’ll naturally look forward to lowering its energy consumption. Here are some tips on how you can do this:

  • Change the air filters regularly.
  • Schedule regular maintenance in the fall and spring.
  • Install a smart thermostat.
  • Keep the ducts clean.
  • Insulate your home.
  • Set the temperature 7-10 degrees lower in winter and higher in summer when you’re sleeping or away from home.

Why Do the Ducts Produce a Popping Sound?

Your HVAC system generates either heated or cooled air, which passes through the ductwork to the system. When the new air enters the room, it pushes the old air out of the room to the other ducts, and when they’re too small for the generated airflow, they produce a popping sound. It’s wise to consult a professional to evaluate your ducts and make the necessary adjustments.

Trying to make your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system efficient, effective and reliable might seem to be very complex. However, it’s easy to keep your system performing at its best when you work with professionals at a good HVAC servicing company. For installation, repairs, maintenance and upgrading of your HVAC system in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, contact Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating.

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3 Benefits of Installing a New Thermostat in Jacksonville, FL

3 Benefits of Installing a New Thermostat in Jacksonville, FL

New and improved thermostats come with unique features that give you total control over your home’s HVAC system. For example, you can remotely control it from your smartphone or computer if you have a reliable internet connection. If you’re still using an old thermostat in your Jacksonville, FL, home, consider replacing it for the following reasons:

Increased Energy Savings

Smart thermostats have sensors that can take automatic control of your HVAC system when you need it, reducing its energy output. You can schedule the thermostat to keep more eco-friendly temperatures when you’re away from home or make sure that nighttime temps don’t get too high. This ensures that the temperature in your home remains comfortable while reducing unnecessary energy loss and costs.

Maintenance Reminders

The daily hustles of life will sometimes make you forget about scheduling important stuff such as HVAC maintenance. However, with a programmable thermostat, you’ll never miss scheduling annual maintenance services with your service technician. Smart thermostats have maintenance reminder settings that will email, call or text you when the time for maintenance is near.

Some programmable thermostats also have airflow monitors that alert you when the filters have clogs and need changing. This ensures that you don’t incur high energy bills and can extend the lifespan of your HVAC system.

Enhanced Indoor Comfort

If you want to create a zoning system, you should consider replacing your traditional thermostat with the programmable type. The zoning system gives you complete control of the temperatures in the different zones in your home. This ensures that you don’t have to cool or heat unoccupied rooms in the home, and family members can set different room temperatures without interfering with each other’s comfort.

Thanks to advancements in technology, you can find thermostats with password protection such that unwarranted people can’t change the thermostat settings. If you reside in Jacksonville, FL, and want to install a smart thermostat, contact Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating.

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Investing in Indoor Air Quality Provides These 4 Benefits

Investing in Indoor Air Quality Provides These 4 Benefits

When the fall and winters seasons arrive in Atlantic Beach, FL, you’ll probably spend more time indoors. While you may not give it much thought during the summer season when you’re out and about, the quality of your indoor air can affect your entire life in many different ways. Improving your indoor air quality provides the following benefits:

Experience Easier Daily Breathing

Your body has to naturally adapt to the environment around it. When your home’s air quality is low, your body has to work harder to breathe in more fresh oxygen throughout the day. This can cause your lungs and heart to work much harder through the average day.

Remove Annoying Allergens

Unwanted allergens like dust, dirt, dander, pollen and other contaminants can enter the air inside of your home. Breathing in these allergens can cause allergy flare-ups and irritate upper respiratory illnesses. Investing in regular duct cleaning and system maintenance can allow you to remove a large majority of the allergens in your home.

Reduce Household Odors

Over time, various things throughout your home can create unpleasant odors. With the appropriate carbon filter, you can help to reduce odors throughout your home. The better your indoor air smells, the more pleasant it’s going to be to spend time indoors.

Enjoy Better Sleep

Most people are aware that during most of their sleep, they tend to breathe at a slower pace. However, when you’re in REM sleep, your body breathes just as fast and sometimes faster than your normal awake breathing rate. Having good indoor air quality allows you to breathe optimally while in your REM sleep cycle instead of battling to breathe with poor indoor air.

If you’re ready to enhance your indoor air quality, it’s time to call Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating. Let our experienced service technicians assess your home’s air quality and make suggestions for improving it quickly and efficiently.

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The Importance of Adequate Airflow in Atlantic Beach, FL

The Importance of Adequate Airflow in Atlantic Beach, FL

Circulating cool air throughout your home is the basic way your air conditioner in Atlantic Beach, FL, operates. Here’s why getting adequate airflow is important and how you can improve it.

Maintain HVAC Efficiency

To cool your home, your AC system must draw air in, cool it and push it back out again. Inadequate airflow means there’s not enough air moving through your system to cool. This makes your AC system run longer while working to achieve your set temperature.

Not only does this increase your utility bills, but it also adds unusual stress on your system. The added stress wears on each component, leading to additional AC repairs and a shortened service life if you don’t take steps to improve your airflow.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Air quality is the measurement of how many contaminants float around in the air. These contaminants can lead to allergies and respiratory distress along with problems for your HVAC system.

The primary tool for improving your indoor air quality is the air filter. The more air that flows through it, the more contaminants it can remove.

Air circulation helps prevent the air from stagnating and seeming uncomfortable. Even a mild amount of air circulation around your home can help it feel a degree or two cooler.

Part of what your air conditioner does over the hotter, humid months is dehumidify the air. The more air that moves through your system, the better it can provide this effect. Humidity is another important aspect of your air quality, helping control how many contaminants remain airborne.

Ensuring that you have adequate airflow through your system and around your home is important. How can you improve it to make sure you’re getting enough?

Change Your Filters Regularly

The more air that circulates through the system, the more quickly the filters clog. However, you need adequate air flowing through the system to ensure that it works well. This is why your filter needs frequent attention and regular replacements.

How often you need a new filter is dependent on your air quality and filter type. For most 1/2- to 1-inch air filters, every 90 days should be about right with average air quality.

Plan to check your filter monthly so that you can catch it early once it’s dirty enough to replace. You can also gently vacuum the intake side of the filter to help extend its usefulness.

Open and Clear Your Vents

As your system runs, the air coming from your vents creates positive pressure at your output vents. The circulating fan creates negative pressure at the return vent, drawing in air. Together, these create the circulating air movement in your home.

However, closed or blocked vents inhibit circulation. Ideally, keep all vents open with at least two inches of clearance both above and around them.

Use Some Fans

Fans can help improve circulation throughout your house as well. You can always set the fan in your HVAC system to “ON,” but that only helps where the vents are open and clear.

Using ceiling fans helps create additional air circulation in a room. Over the summer, a ceiling fan makes the air feel about two degrees cooler just because of the air movement. Just be sure to set the fan correctly; it should turn counterclockwise for the summer and clockwise over the winter.

Get Professional HVAC Maintenance

Finally, be sure you schedule routine professional maintenance. Ideally, you will have an AC maintenance professional visit in the spring for cooling and in the fall for heating. During the spring visit, a service technician will clean the evaporator coil; for the fall visit, they’ll clean the heat exchanger. They will also test your system to ensure that there are no problems.

Keep your system running efficiently by keeping the air flowing freely around your home and through your system. If you need a visit from an expert service technician, call Ocean State Air Conditioning & Heating to schedule your HVAC maintenance appointment.

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